28 posts
Eric Winston, founder of Motihari Brigade, has an in-depth conversation with the Paradigms radio show and podcast about the band, the new album “Power From Below”, and the ideas behind the music.
"Talking To Crazy" animated cartoon video from Motihari Brigade's new album "Power From Below." Find your tribe.
Motihari Brigade’s latest single “Power To The People” has been added to several new Spotify Playlists. Listen and follow on […]
Spotify Playlist “Protest Songs” adds Motihari Brigade “Power To The People” Motihari Brigade has been added by Jon Magnusson to […]
Pre-Order new album “Power From Below” now available through Bandcamp. Get the title track for streaming now plus the complete album the moment it’s released on January 28, 2020. Buy direct from the artist and support the “Rock-N-Roll Thoughtcrime” revolution.