Links to Alternative Media, Independent Critical Thinkers,
Investigative Journalists, & Russian Bots

Most people consume the sugary diet of corporate-state media that surrounds us, spoon-fed on a daily basis, and then socially reinforced by ‘think-shaming’ those who stray outside the narrative of establishment opinion. This manufacture of consent keeps us divided into tribal partisan camps by provoking emotional responses of anger and outrage.
Meanwhile we are distracted from important issues and common concerns that fly under the radar of public perception and remain unexamined. Silencing dissenting views through imposed narrative control and censorship only provides a dangerous illusion of winning the argument. Reality still exists.
For those seeking to perceive reality, decoding the official narrative matrix is a moral imperative. However, doing so requires the effort to develop and practice independent critical thinking skills.
Think for yourself. We suggest a healthy dose of skepticism and independence.
Here are a few alternative media sources where you may yet find a diversity of thought criminals to supplement the official Oceania establishment narrative. You won’t find ideological purity among them. A listing here is not necessarily an endorsement of the views expressed. Yet you may indeed find inconsistent views worth exploring. Conduct your own archeological dig to excavate “reality.” This is only a partial list. Seek out more and let us know.
21st Century Wire – 21st Century Wire provides a counterweight to the corporate and state-funded media market, serving an audience that is more inquisitive than traditional legacy mainstream media readers, and more aligned with independent content creators. “We oppose internet censorship and regulation in all its forms, especially through opaque regimes of control, run by elite committees comprised of ‘experts’ drawn from the Silicon Valley, corporate media, foundation and government-affiliated persons. We believe that such efforts are highly politicized and employ narrow subjective methods of regulation designed to target and silence independent media, while allowing mainstream corporate media to produce ever increasing amounts of fake news and propaganda. Such measures can only lead to a restriction of free speech and expression at a time in history when those freedoms are more important than ever to preserve. Censorship and regulation also interfere in the marketplace of ideas and deprive readers and members of the public to make up their own mind and conduct their own research based on the merits of the information and not on the arbitrary criticism and smears being applied by corporate or state-funded gatekeepers . . . . The purpose of our website is to educate, promote learning on geopolitical and social issues, as well as provide much-needed independent commentary, news reporting, including criticisms and critiques of larger corporate and foundation-funded media outlets and their coverage of global events. We also aim to deliver a consistent stream of independent research on subjects and views that are generally not covered in the corporate-owned and foundation-funded media spheres. In this way, we are helping to re-balance the discourse by giving a platform to alternative views and narratives which are largely absent from the corporate mainstream media and state-affiliated media outlets.” Patrick Henningsen, Executive Editor-Founder
acTVism Munich – “A non-profit & independent online media portal in both German and English languages.” YouTube Rumble
Alternative Radio – “Since 1986 an award-winning weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe and beyond. AR provides information, analyses, and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in corporate media. Based in Boulder, Colorado, AR airs on almost 300 radio stations, and is sustained by donations and by listener purchases of season subscriptions, recordings, and transcripts.” Also a free weekly podcast. Host David Barsamian carefully curates some of the best independent critical thinkers of our time. – – A website “…devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, greens, and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism.
The Babylon Bee– A conservative satirical website alternative to “The Onion.” Is that allowed? Make sure not to laugh.
Bad Faith – Briahna Joy Gray, former national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders campaign, hosts this valuable contribution to the handful of podcasts attempting to carve out an independent space for critical thinking. Look for Briahna on your favorite podcast platforms, or wherever independent critical thinkers are still allowed to participate in the debate. Recently censored from the “The Hill Rising” for her pro-Palestinian views, thank goodness there are still a few brave souls like her willing to speak their minds.
Black Agenda Report – – News commentary and analysis from the black left. Hosts the Black Agenda Report podcast – “Blacking out corporate propaganda and educating for a revolution.” On Youtube at
Russell Brand – “The old ideas won’t help us. Religion is dead. Capitalism is dead. Communism is dead. Where will the answers of the next century lie?” Again it is the comedians who push back and create space for independent critical thought. Check out Russell Brand’s explorations. Look for his latest content on Rumble at
Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar – – “Fearless anti-establishment YouTube show and podcast.” Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti first came to public awareness through their groundbreaking show “Rising” on “The Hill.” A loyal audience then followed them to their now fully-independent viewer-supported new media model format show. Breaking Points provides truly essential discussion to feed the minds of curious independent critical thinkers. Watch on YouTube and other popular podcast platforms and you will see why people are increasingly rejecting the junk food “information” keeping us divided, angry, and scared. This is the place to monitor what the corporate-state media are currently shoving down the memory hole. If you want to strike a blow against the machine, all you have to do is hit subscribe. They are the real deal, and deserve the enthusiastic support of humans across the spectrum of artificial labels that divide us.
Malcolm Burn – Host of “The Long Way Around” show on Radio Kingston on WKNY in New York. Briiliian interviews with fascinating guests interspersed with relevant music. On YouTube at:
Lee Camp – Anti-imperialist anti-war comedian whose work has been deleted, deplatformed, censored, demonetized, shadow banned, and suppressed. Don’t you think there’s something funny about that? Current whack-a-mole YouTube channel is “Dangerous Ideas” Youtube
Dr. John Campbell – – Retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse John Campbell based in England, has become a trusted source of information on health care issues with a huge world-wide following. He critically and independently reviews medical research and literature.
The Canary – – The Canary is an independent left non-profit news website based in the U.K.
Tucker Carlson – Now available as: Tucker on Twitter. Careful what you ask for. De-platforming Tucker is going to turn out like Darth Vader killing Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars – ie. he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Oops. The forces of establishment narrative control get nervous when anti-war populist forces on the right and left cross-pollinate. Tucker is particularly threatening when he platforms leftists who have been excommunicated and blacklisted elsewhere for uttering heresies or pointing out obvious doublethink (ie. Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Matt Taibbi, Russell Brand).
Chapo Trap House – The independent voice of a younger generation with a dark sense of humor and dangerous leanings toward human solidarity. Establishment liberal and conservative sacred cow memes come here for slaughter. Holy shibboleths are profaned and ridiculed. The unspeakable is spoken and mocked. For those disenfranchised from the current political and cultural nightmare, tune into the cult phenomenon podcast of the dirtbag left. Generally available wherever you get your podcasts these days.
Clusterfuck Nation (James Howard Kunstler) – A blog of outrageously offensive thoughtcrime that appears every Monday and Friday bringing much-anticipated highlights of the week. Brilliantly written by James Howard Kunstler, author of numerous works of non-fiction addressing economic and environmental issues including The Geography Of Nowhere and The Long Emergency, as well as the fictional World Made By Hand series.
Common Dreams – “Works diligently to uncover and publish honest, independent news and information that you can rely on. Every day they publish a diverse mix of breaking news, insightful views, videos and press releases covering issues that resonate with progressives in every corner of the globe. They compile it all in one easy-to-access online location, and present it in a clean, uncomplicated format, uninterrupted by pop-ups, advertising or gimmicks. Common Dreams makes sure that the critical issues and ideas for the future are not drowned out in the ceaseless noise and dis-information that calls itself ‘the news’ in most of the corporate media.”
Consortium News – Founded by investigative journalist Robert Parry in 1995 as the first investigative news magazine based on the Internet. Still doing exceptional work.
Consent Factory – Political satire. Is it oddly closer to reality than the groupthink farce masquerading as real in the corporate-state-establishment propaganda machine? Is it just offensive thoughtcrime? Both? From the untamed mind of C.J. Hopkins.
Coleman Hughes – – “Conversations With Coleman” champions free speech, free thought, and open debate – values that are pivotal in a liberal society. Tune in while you still can. Coleman Hughes engages in honest conversation—with the sharpest minds— on some of the most difficult issues regarding race and culture in the West.
Counterpunch – “Telling the facts. Naming the names. Fearless muckraking since 1993.”
DarkHorse Podcast – Hosted by founding member of the intellectual dark web and known thought-criminal Brett Weinstein and his accomplice wife Dr. Heather Heying. A show for curious minds and free thinkers that strays dangerously outside the boundaries of accepted groupthink and received shibboleths. YouTube removed and demonetized both the DarkHorse Podcast and Bret Weinstein’s channel. Uncensored full length podcast episodes are now available on Odysee at and There is also a YouTube channel dedicated to creating sanitized clips from DarkHorse Podcast at
Democracy At Work – “Nonprofit media that analyzes capitalism critically as a systemic problem and advocates for democratizing workplaces as part of a systemic solution.” Home of economist Richard Wolff, an independent radical thinker, host of the show “Economic Update” and frequent alternative media commentator, who also happens to be one of the most articulate and clear voices on the current left scene.
Democracy Now! – “Produces a daily, global, independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Their reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues. On Democracy Now!, you’ll hear a diversity of voices speaking for themselves, providing a unique and sometimes provocative perspective on global events.”
Dialogue Works – Dedicated to dialogue and peace! “There’s nothing more unstoppable than when people come together.” Hosted by Nima Alkhorshid YouTube Rumble
Dollars & Sense – “Dollars & Sense publishes economic news and analysis, with the mission of explaining essential economic concepts by placing them in their real-world context. D&S publications question the assumptions of traditional academic theories and empower people to think about alternatives to the prevailing system. We cover issues that are ignored by mainstream media and misunderstood by orthodox economic analysts. The magazine includes regular reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the corporate media’s coverage of the economy.”
The Jimmy Dore Show – It is an ironic and telling sign of our times that a comedian podcasting from his garage is a far better source of independent critical analysis than the so-called professional “journalists” in the corporate media. Put it on YouTube speed dial when obvious propaganda merits a smackdown. Follow on Rumble at
DDN DoubleDownNews – YouTube – “In an ever increasingly divided world, our job isn’t to drive people further apart with fear and fiction but bring them together with empathy and evidence. Far too many Journalists sit comfortably trapped in their own bubble of privilege and power, talking to each other and the so-called political class, rather than serving the people they’re meant to inform. DDN is the antithesis of ego, personality and moral superiority. We prioritise people, ideas, evidence and community above all.”
Due Dissidence – A populist left independent alternative to mainstream corporate-state Democratic Party official liberalism. “A multimedia one-stop shop for political commentary, interviews, and satire.” Videos and livestreams on YouTube and Rumble, written articles on Substack, audio streams are available on all major podcast players. YouTube Rumble
The Duran – Unique analysis of global events that challenges the western military-industrial think-tank corporate media narrative. Russian bots? Maybe. Refute their arguments. Decide for yourself. Follow on YouTube at and Rumble at Also individual channels from Alexander Mercouris – Alex Christoforou –
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) – “The national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. FAIR works to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, FAIR exposes neglected news stories and defends working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.”
Lee Fang – An independent investigative journalist with a longstanding interest in how public policy is influenced by organized interest groups and money. His work seeks to place institutions and power centers under scrutiny while remaining skeptical and fair-minded. He has created an independent platform on Substack to investigate, provide analysis and break news without any partisan or ideological gatekeeping. A veteran of many previous news organizations, including “The Intercept”, Lee Fang is a real journalist who produces original, valuable, and unique reporting.
Firstpost. An India-based YouTube channel and website that provides timely news updates on topics often outside the traditional mainstream media narrative, and that provides an alternative perspective on changing global dynamics.
Thomas Frank – – Thomas Frank has had his finger on the pulse of the political realignment for decades, tracing the roots of anti-establishment populist rebellion to the abandonment of the working class by the Democratic Party, the neoliberal embrace of the corporate donor class and its electoral base of educated urban technocrat-professionals. He critiques the use of identity politics to distinguish this corporate “progressive” brand through virtue signaling – all of which creates fertile space for right wing populist demagogues to rise and fill the vacuum of betrayal and discontent abandoned by this version of the “left.” These dynamics aren’t going away, and Thomas Frank remains essential to understanding not only the present moment, but also the future. Author of several important books, Frank is a frequent commentator on various podcasts and shows. Keep an eye out for him and pay special attention when he manages to break through the noise to point out the obvious elephant in the room.
Lex Friedman – A long format interview format video podcast that transcends the mainstream narrative and thinks outside the box.
The Gaggle – A political commentary show hosted by Peter Lavelle and George Szamuely whose mission is to “regularly challenge and if necessary destroy media narratives. Join us and our guests as we navigate our way through the political treachery that is fake news and corporate journalism.”
George Galloway – Agree or disagree, George Galloway keeps predicting the future with astounding accuracy. He was famously right about the Iraq War and much else. One of the most articulate, passionate, and entertaining voices on the socialist left, Galloway always has his finger on the pulse of the latest controversy, and will fearlessly argue for and bravely defend his point of view, even if alone and regardless of the personal consequences. YouTube and Rumble
The Glenn Show – YouTube: Glenn Loury hosts regular dialogues of intellectual exploration with notorious thought-criminal cohort John McWhorter, and other fascinating guests.
Glenn Greenwald – Substack: Follow his groundbreaking new show on Rumble at: YouTube “System Update”: – “Independent, unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction.” There is no doubt that Greenwald is the bright shining star of independent critical thinking at the current moment. He won a Pulitzer Prize for his Snowden coverage, co-founded The Intercept and then left due to censorship. Now completely independent and listener-supported at If you want to hear a truly indepdendent alternative voice to challenge the mind-numbing groupthink that passes for journalism – seek out Greenwald. He is also a pioneering voice on the free speech platform Rumble.
Going Underground – YouTube: Rumble: Host Afshin Rattansi skillfully asks questions and explores topics the mainstream media would rather avoid. Produced in Dubai.
The Grayzone – An independent news website dedicated to original investigative journalism and analysis on politics and empire. Home to Aaron Mate’s podcast Pushback, fearlessly independent journalist Max Blumenthal, and other game-changing pioneers of new media.
Danny Haiphong – Regular streams and videos on the geopolitical shifts shaping the world around us. Danny Haiphong is an activist and a regular contributor to The Black Agenda Report.
Katie Halper – Comedian, writer, filmmaker, podcaster, and political commentator. She is the host of The Katie Halper Show on WBAI (available on YouTube) and co-host of the essential Useful Idiots podcast with Matt Taibbi. Funny, bright, and real.
Hard Lens Media – “A media company built to support activists, organizers, candidates and other groups with limited power reach a greater audience while informing our audience about people they have never heard of that are making a difference.” YouTube Rumble
Chris Hedges also: – One of the great independent critical thinkers of our time. A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author of many outstanding books, and host of the former show Making Contact no longer available on RT. His regular columns are currently available at Sheerpost, a website/blog sponsored by veteran journalist and editor Robert Scheer. He also puts content on the dangerously independent reader-supported platform Substack. Play whack-a-mole with the censors and look for his new video interview show”The Chris Hedges Report” on the Real News Network (RNN). Too late! RNN just censored Chris Hedges due to pressure from its primary wealthy donor.
Seymour “Sy” Hersh has been the grand-daddy of investigative journalists ever since exposing the My Lai massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War. Since then it has been one coveted prize after the other, and an impressive list of infamous reporting on the secret bombing of Cambodia, Watergate, CIA domestic spying, torture at Abu Graib prison in Iraq, false flags in Syria, and most recently the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. No longer welcome amongst the mainstream media grand-children, he now publishes independently on Substack at
Jackson Hinkle “The Dive” – American political commentator demonetized and frequently censored. Is he wrong? How would you know unless you take the dive to find out for yourself? I guess you could just trust the corporate-state guardian gatekeepers to filter out what they think is best for you. YouTube Rumble X Telegram
The Intercept – An investigative news source. Look for the occasional gem.
Kim Iverson – You Tube channel: Rumble: Website: Kim Iverson tells it like it is. A strong independent critical thinker bravely willing to call b.s. on the mainstream narrative.
Jacobin – “A leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.”
Zaid Jilani – – Zaid Jilani is a reporter with Public who previously worked as a digital reporter for NewsNation. Before that, he was a staff reporter at a range of outlets, including The Intercept, AlterNet, and ThinkProgress. He is based in the Atlanta area. He now has his own independent platform at Substack. A real journalist and independent critical thinker.
Caitlin Johnstone – “Rogue journalist, Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonaut. Guerrilla poet. Utopia prepper.” One of the most fearlessly independent and critical thinking bloggers in the entire world, and who happens to live in Australia. An unfiltered dose of critical analysis – ready or not. Essential reading.
The Last American Vagabond – “The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, either financially or professionally, due to their relevance. It is this site’s primary objective to bring these issues to an open forum and or bring about awareness of these topics of paramount importance.”
The Lever – An investigative journalism project that covers politics, business and corporate power led by David Sirota, an award-winning journalist, columnist, and former presidential campaign speechwriter for Bernie Sanders. Formerly the Daily Poster.
Abby Martin “The Empire Files” – “An independent documentary & interview series hosted by Abby Martin – reporting on war & inequality from the heart of Empire” YouTube
Richard Medhurst – Rumble: – An independent journalist and political commentator born in Damascus, Syria. British citizen fluent in English, Arabic, French and German. Absolutely unaccepable opinions on politics, international relations, and the Middle East. Make sure you never hear his side of the story. In fact, you shouldn’t even be reading this.
Mint Press News – – An independent watchdog journalism organization that goes “off script” on issues regarding big business and foreign policy. Another one that has landed itself on the “naughty” list these days.
Moon of Alabama – – A blog of politics, economics, and philosophy from the whiskey bar community curated by Bernhard. Dangerously informed opinions that you won’t find anywhere else, and probably not even here soon enough.
The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – “A weekly talk show broadcast on the Pacifica Radio Network, and is available as a podcast on iTunes. Ralph Nader is joined by co-hosts Steve Skrovan and David Feldman for a lively informative hour of interviews with some of the nation’s most influential movers and shakers, and thought provoking discussions of the weeks news.”
Andrew Napolitano “Judging Freedom” – Libertarian legal analyst, former Fox News contributor, and current host of the YouTube show “Judging Freedom” interviews a variety of former intelligence and military analysts, journalists and activists about U.S. foreign policy, geopolitical strategy, and war. Guests have included, among others, Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Col. Douglas McGregor, John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs, Col Karen Kwiatkowski, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Alastair Crooke, Medea Benjamin, Craig Murray – and others whom have been largely blacklisted from mainstream media. Is their description of events accurate? Perhaps their predictions should be compared side-by-side with those featured in the mainstream media to see who has the better proven track record. Or not. You decide.
The Nation – “Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary, and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all. By providing a deeper understanding of the world as it is—and as it could be—we drive bold ideas into the conversation and ignite debates far beyond our pages.”
New Discourses – “Free inquiry, free speech, and free association—without guilt. Beyond the culture war and political correctness.”
Garland Nixon – Garland Nixon hosts a weekly radio show on WPFW 89.3 FM in Washington DC – a Pacifica Network affiliate. But the magic happens on his YouTube and Rokfin channels. He is a truly independent and critical mind with a golden gift for clearly and creatively expressing himself with words in the most entertaining and engaging manner. Open your mind and check him out.
Novara Media – – Novara Media is an independent left media organisation in the U.K.
Neil Oliver – An independent critical thinker in the U.K. Commentaries, interviews, and charming Scottish accent. YouTube
The New Atlas – “The New Atlas provides geopolitical analysis by Brian Berletic with a focus on Eurasia, based in Bangkok, Thailand.”
The Onion – “The Onion is the world’s leading news publication, offering highly acclaimed, universally revered coverage of breaking national, international, and local news events. Rising from its humble beginnings as a print newspaper in 1756, The Onion now enjoys a daily readership of 4.3 trillion and has grown into the single most powerful and influential organization in human history. In addition to maintaining a towering standard of excellence to which the rest of the industry aspires, The Onion supports more than 350,000 full and part-time journalism jobs in its numerous news bureaus and manual labor camps stationed around the world, and members of its editorial board have served with distinction in an advisory capacity for such nations as China, Syria, Somalia, and the former Soviet Union. On top of its journalistic pursuits, The Onion also owns and operates the majority of the world’s transoceanic shipping lanes, stands on the nation’s leading edge on matters of deforestation and strip mining, and proudly conducts tests on millions of animals daily. The Onion is now available exclusively online without charge in order to take advantage of various charity tax benefits.”
The Ron Paul Liberty Report – Rumble: YouTube: Analysis and commentary from right-libertarian icon and former U.S. Senator Ron Paul. A consistent voice against endless imperial militarism and corrupt corporate graft. (Weird, shouldn’t the left be saying these things?)
Primo Radical – Website: YouTube: Media for Free Minds. (Formerly Primo Nutmeg).
Public – “People don’t trust the news media, and it’s easy to see why. Major news media organizations reported inaccurately that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They dismissed as a ‘debunked conspiracy theory’ the real possibility that COVID-19 could have escaped from a lab . . . . And so we started Public. Our mission is to break big stories on the most important issues of the day, from censorship and cities to mental health and addiction to energy and the environment.” Home of free speech advocate, “Twitter files” and “censorship-industrial complex” veteran author Michael Shellenberger, along with other important new media journalists. Writing and podcasting independently on Substack.
The Real News Network (TRNN) – “Produces independent, verifiable, fact-based journalism that engages ordinary people in solving the critical problems of our times. We examine the underlying causes of the chronic problems, and investigate and report on effective solutions and models for change. We don’t just cover people in high office or limit news to the partisan horse race for power. People who fight for human rights and work for solutions are newsmakers. We believe that real change will be driven by the people who need it most.” Too bad Chris Hedges got de-platformed here.
Reason TV – Video channel of the libertarian magazine “Reason.” “Meet the biohackers, brewers, bitcoiners, makers, growers, freaks, and visionaries exploring new ways of living in an increasingly individualistic world. Watch investigative stories about the bureaucrats and busybodies fighting for control over our lives. Hear independent opinions that don’t abide by tiresome left-right, liberal-conservative world views and talking points.” YouTube
The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast – Now on Spotify with edited clips available on YouTube. Hosted by a toxic Bernie-Bro comedian and martial arts fanatic who invites diverse guests from across the political spectrum, asks insightful and astute questions, and then allows the guest to talk at length to fully and clearly explain their thinking. This is followed by more intelligent discussion to fully explore the topic at hand. Not an echo chamber for repeating simplistic talking points, Joe Rogan fills the gaping hole left vacant by corporate-state-establishment media for millions of listeners/viewers who have turned elsewhere for meaningful conversation.
RT – Best to keep a watchful eye on what Eurasia and Eastasia are up to. Oceania has always been at war with them. No longer available in the freedom-loving world. Livestream still available on Rumble
Rebel News – – A populist conservative Canadian news website known for its coverage of the trucker’s movement and World Economic Forum. Self-described as:“We believe in freedom, and judging people based on their individual merit, not the colour of their skin, religion, their sexual orientation, or where they come from. We fight for freedom of speech both for ourselves and for those with whom we disagree — that’s how freedom of speech works. We believe any and every idea ought to be open to criticism and debate. And we’re not afraid to champion people who have been forgotten by the establishment.”
Redacted Former Fox News anchor Clayton Morris and his wife Natali attempt to create an independent platform for non-corporate news.
Renegade Inc. – YouTube: Host Ross Ashcroft interviews people who think differently and offer an alternative perspective on business, leadership, economics, education and the arts.
Revolutionary Blackout Network – Perspectives from the American independent black left. Rumble
Revolver News – – News aggregation website from a populist right perspective. Edited by Darren Beattie. Video podcast at
Sabby Sabs – Sabby Sabs hosts a podcast discussing leftist news, commentary & interviews – part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.
Matt Taibbi One of the most brilliant investigative journalists, book authors, and critical thinkers of our time. He is now writing on his own independent platform at Essential reading for our times that deserves support. Taibbi is author of several books including the extremely important media propaganda critique “Hate Inc., How Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another.” Also check out the “Useful Idiots” podcast listed below.
Triggernometry – “Triggernometry is a free speech YouTube show and podcast. We believe in open, fact-based discussion of important and controversial issues. Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create fun-but-serious conversations with fascinating guests. We give our guests a chance to say what they think and explain why.”
Truthout – “A nonprofit news organization dedicated to providing independent reporting and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues. Since our founding in 2001, we have anchored our work in principles of accuracy, transparency, and independence from the influence of corporate and political forces. Truthout works to spark action by revealing systemic injustice and providing a platform for progressive and transformative ideas, through in-depth investigative reporting and critical analysis. With a powerful, independent voice, we will spur the revolution in consciousness and inspire the direct action that is necessary to save the planet and humanity.”
UnHerd – Website: YouTube: “UnHerd aims to push back against the herd mentality with new and bold thinking, and to provide a platform for otherwise unheard ideas, people and places. We think this approach is more needed than ever. Societies across the West are divided and stuck, and the established media is struggling to make sense of what’s happening. The governing ideologies of the past generation are too often either unquestioningly defended or rejected wholesale. It’s easy and safe to be in one or other of these two camps – defensive liberal or angry reactionary – but UnHerd is trying to do something different, and harder. We hope you find something that makes you think again.”
“U.S. Tour of Duty” bills itself as “An American Revival” whose mission is to offer veterans the opportunity to network with other public-spirited Americans and develop mutually beneficial relationships. Their channel features “The Scott Ritter Show”, “Ask The Inspector”, and “Scenes From The Evolution” featuring dialogues with former U.N. weapons inspector and independent critic of U.S. foreign policy Scott Ritter. Sometimes available on YouTube but best viewed on the independent free speech platform Rumble
Useful Idiots Rumble: – The brilliant independent podcast “Useful Idiots” is essential listening for these Orwellian times. They should be maintained under constant surveillance. Featuring author Matt Taibbi and comedian/political commentator Katie Halper, Useful Idiots is funny, informative, and real. The formidable Aaron Mate is currently filling in for Matt Taibbi.
Viva Frei A Canadian lawyer turned You-Tuber with an open mind trying to figure it all out. Frequently commenting with fellow-lawyer and political prognosticator Robert Barnes.
Whitney Webb – – Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for MintPress News. She currently writes for her own outlet Unlimited Hangout and contributes to The Last American Vagabond and MintPress News.
Zero Hedge – – A libertarian news website that skeptically examines financial, economic, and political journalism. Determined by a panel of experts to be dangerous conspiracy-based propaganda. Make sure not to click on their side of the story without proper mental vaccination.
Zero Hour with RJ Escow – – “Progressive Journalism for an Age of Crisis. A nationally-syndicated progressive radio and TV show hosted by Richard ‘RJ’ Escow.”
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” George Orwell